About E-REP

For the good of all.

The Evansville Region thinks regionally — and acts regionally.

The Evansville Regional Economic Partnership exemplifies that commitment. Launched in 2021 following the combination of three like-minded legacy organizations in the business and growth space, E-REP promotes regional economic development and vitality. We are here to drive the region’s economic growth, attract a high-wage and high-skilled workforce and elevate quality of life.

Sounds bold? It’s
because we think


Our mission is to cultivate a thriving and growing talent-rich Evansville Region through advocacy and collaboration between our communities, businesses, and civic leaders.

We have a strong vision for the future growth and prosperity of Southwest Indiana – and we are up to the challenge of competing for talent and opportunity amid an ever-changing environment. We advance the interests of businesses, from our large advanced manufacturing bases to our health, financial and tech sectors, and small business owners. We elevate our community and provide inclusive life-changing opportunities with a focus on the people who make the Evansville Region the place to be!

E-REP leads on …

Business Growth and Retention

We live and breathe the business cycle at E-REP to attract new investment to the Evansville Region. And that’s just where our support begins in fueling your business success. Our Business Retention and Expansion program offers effective, on-the-ground support to businesses and data-driven guidance on targeted growth opportunities. With our growth, E-REP thrives on remaining nimble and quick to adapt to evolving regional needs and priorities. Peer Groups: Family Business Alliance, Tri-State Manufacturing Alliance

Community Development

Vibrant businesses come from vibrant communities. The Evansville Region is a welcoming ecosystem for talent because of our high livability and strong foundation for development and success. We advocate on behalf of community development programs that improve and expand our region’s infrastructure from industrial sites to broadband access. Our work: Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

Attraction of a Highly-Skilled Workforce

We are the Evansville Region’s biggest cheerleaders (and the e region has A LOT of cheerleaders.) We execute digitally enabled population growth strategies, promote our region’s strengths to grow our talent base, and provide tools and resources for regional employers to attract the workforce they need. Our work: Newcomers’ Guide, Belong Here Talent Attraction Program, Orr Fellowship, Young Professionals Alliance

Regional Planning

A cohesive outlook takes planning and everyone coming together for the greater good of our region. At E-REP, we are proud to serve as the keeper of the Region’s strategic plan – a living and breathing roadmap for a greater EVV! Our work: READI, Talent EVV

our IMPACT circle partners

our CHAMPION partners

our TORCHBEARER partners