Celebrating local businesses, community organizations and residents
It’s been 211 years since Hugh McGary Jr. purchased 40 acres along the riverfront on March 27th, 1812, and it’s been 76 years since AT&T gave the Evansville Region the 812 area code. And now, thanks to the Evansville Flag Competition, created by 4 students from the Perry Heights Student Government, the city of Evansville will celebrate the inaugural 812 Day citywide as they unveil the 300 + flag designs submitted to be the city’s flag for public consideration.
As Indianapolis celebrates 317 Day, St. Louis 314 Day, and Louisville 502 Day, Evansville residents now have a holiday of their own – 812 Day. Unlike these other cities though, Evansville gets to celebrate both its 812 area code and 1812 – its founding year. 812 Day is a day to recognize local businesses, community organizations, and residents who have made many sacrifices and contributions throughout the city’s rich history.
Businesses: Celebrate by advertising your products and sales by using the 812 Day logo at your site of business, on social media, and on your marquees. This is FREE and LOCAL advertising.
Community Organizations: Host celebrations or simply mention 812 Day on your social media outlets.
Residents: Participate in 812 Day by patronizing local 812 businesses that are celebrating 812 Day and mention the holiday on your social media. Then cast your vote for the flag you want to represent Evansville.

Please join the Evansville Flag Competition by participating in 812 Day and obtaining the inaugural 812 Day logo free of charge by emailing EvansvilleFlag@gmail.com.