Need to Know:
Executive Director Orientation – There is no cost to register. NAMS Directors who started between July 1st, 2021 – April 1st, 2022, are required to attend this in-person training. All other NAMS, IAMS, & ODAN directors are optional attendance but must be a person in the paid director position.
May 5th 9:00am-3:00pm.
Location: Indiana State Library (315 W Ohio St, Indianapolis, IN 46202)
Register Here: https://forms.office.com/g/3PVe6DRbP1
Registration Deadline: April 22nd @ Noon EST
2022 National Main Street Conference in Richmond, VA!
If you are attending the conference, please let Abby know by sending an email to ahuff1@ocra.in.gov as soon as you have registered.
We will be having a state dinner in Richmond so be on the lookout for that info soon.
- Our first Webinar will be on March 30th at 10:00am EST. Topic: Embracing Change in your Main Street Community presented by Derek Lumsden of Polished Productions. To learn more about Derek check out his website: https://www.polished-productions.com/
Here is the link to login:
- Our First Lunch & Learn will be on April 11th at Noon EST. We will be talking about Marketing/Branding Your Community. As the workforce reengages and businesses look for exceptional places to locate, are you doing what is necessary for your community to capitalize on opportunities? Is your story strong enough to get you noticed? Learn ways to develop and tell your story to bring locals and visitors to your downtown and use promotions all year to keep your story going and make your marketing efforts take off! Leading the discussion will be Sarah Thompson from Rural Revitalization. To learn more about Sarah check out her website: https://rural-revitalization.com/
- Applications for Inclusive Backing small business grants, presented by American Express, are now open! Small business owners in older or historic commercial districts can apply for grants of $5K each as they navigate the pandemic and plan for long-term success and resilience.
This grant cycle will provide grants to U.S. small businesses owned by women, nonbinary people, and Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Applications close at 11:59pm CT on March 24. Learn more and review terms at bit.ly/3CoFL5h
Other Info:
Main Street America is embarking on a new housing research initiative, and they are eager to hear about whether housing is a focus of your work or an issue in your community. They put together a very quick poll that includes up to nine questions and should take just two or three minutes to complete. Your responses will help them to better understand housing across the network and create relevant, targeted resources to address this important topic.
The poll will be open for participation through the end of the week, so please take a moment to fill it out survey today: https://bit.ly/3JszJFi