More than one million jobs must be filled in Indiana over the next 10 years. To help Hoosier employers fill these jobs, Indiana has created the Employer Training Grant, which reimburses employers who train, hire and retain new or incumbent workers to fill in-demand positions within recognized job fields. The Employer Training Grant is available to help fill in-demand positions within six priority sectors. The grant will reimburse employers up to $5,000 per employee who is trained, hired and retained for six months, up to $50,000 per employer.

• Employers may qualify for reimbursement of up to $5,000 per employee trained and retained for six months up to $50,000 per employer.
• Employers must submit an application, satisfy eligibility requirements and receive and sign a formal agreement obligating grant funding.
• More than 100 occupations are eligible for Employer Training Grants. Employers must offer training in one of the following industry sectors:
» Advanced Manufacturing
» Agriculture
» IT & Business Services
» Building & Construction
» Health & Life Sciences
» Transportation & Logistics
For training to be eligible for reimbursement, the training must:
• Be occupational skills training that ties to an in-demand occupation (onboarding training and informal job shadowing does not qualify).
• Be at least 40 hours in length (minimum) resulting in a certificate or credential upon completion.
• Ensure a wage gain at the completion of training for current
employees trained to new skill sets; there is no current wage requirement for new hires trained.
If you are in search of employees ready for hire, Indiana Career Ready provides access to other talent and education resources that support the skills and hiring needs of employers.
Employers will have access to Indiana Career Connect, the state’s premier labor exchange system. Key features include a job description creation and posting tool, guidance with talent recruitment, and up-to-date labor market information.
Moreover, employers will have access to the Office of Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship. It serves to develop and implement a framework of various work-based learning pathways for both youth and adult populations to high-skilled, high-paying jobs.
The application portal opens July 9 and can be found by going to https://nextleveljobs.org/employer/how-it-works/. Follow the steps to complete and submit company and contact information, and type of training requested. The form takes less than 5 minutes to complete. A member of the DWD Business Services team will be in touch within 2 – 3 business days.
For more information, contact Angie Sheppard, Business Services and Communications Specialist with Grow Southwest Indiana Workforce, at 812-430-1140 or at angie.sheppard@workonesw.org.