This Talent EVV (Population Growth) Virtual Session was the second of five virtual sessions where key regional partners will share and discuss regional benchmarking data specific to population growth trends, and strategies that are being implemented to create quality of life across the Evansville Region. In addition to discussing critical data indicators this session featured “Population Growth” strategies and tactics that are both on going and developing. This provided a deeper look into what our region and communities are doing better and different than others to attract, retain, and cultivate a diverse talent pool.
Watch the recording:
Resources mentioned in the recording: the Welborn Whitepaper on Quality of Place, E website, E-REP webpage that features READI projects, the Evansville Region Newcomers Guide, new Photography from the region (free for you to use!) and the early success we’ve had attracting remote workers through a program called Make My Move.
We recognize that there’s more great work happening across our region, and Talent EVV would love to highlight this work in partnership with YOU, an organization/service you are passionate about, or a regional company that’s taking a strategic stance on Place, People, and Storytelling. So, please reach out to tell us more!
If you have questions or comments, please reach out directly to Executive Director of Talent EVV, Tyler Stock at (tstock@evvregion.com) or by phone (812-423-2020). We look forward for those that can make it at end of April to highlight what the Evansville Region is doing to advance a Thriving Workforce, specifically Educational Attainment (dates coming soon)!